I got my yarn yesterday! 4 skeins of 1-ply Festival, and one Chagall Night. The Chagall Night is actually completely different than the website shows it, and not really in a good way. But I'll find something to do with it.
The Festival is darker than shown, but still pretty. Very foresty, appropriate for now, when all the leaves are falling! I cast on for Clapotis last night.
Also, I had a horrible time trying to wind my first skein. I only got about half, maybe 2/3 of it. The rest is all tangled. I'll need to untangle it when I find the energy, since I think the Clapotis will take all the yarn. So be warned...
All in all, great yarn, though! Very, very soft, and actually, more even than Malabrigo is. I love it.