Friday, August 31, 2007

coop is now closed....

we are closed to more orders!

please verify your order totals below. if there is a correction, please post here or on kh to let me know.
paid orders are bolded and have 'PAID" next to them. Please double check your totals.

check your totals/paid orders bolded

Angel4ever= 28.50 PAID
3 ply X 5 = 28.50
3 poison
1 firebrick
1 candy

1 ply X 5= 27.50 PAID
4 festival
1 chagall night

Dakatzmeow-55.00 PAID
1 ply X 10= 55.00
2 combinacion pastel
2 cobalto
2 prussiane
2 tepid rose
2 barcelo

Marykz- 45.60 PAID
3 ply X 8= 45.60
4 sea
4 chocolate

Robyn bird-76.50 PAID
lace X 3= 16.50
1 secret
1 hardly
1 festival

1 undyed lace 5.00

1 ply X 10= 55.00
2 carolina
2 flowering
2 pasionaria
2 warm ice
2 arantza

Mareknits-56.20 PAID
1 ply X 4=22.00
2 chagall night
2 wood

3 ply X 6=34.20
6 mysterious

Cando- 16.90 PAID
3 ply X 2=11.40
2 poison

lace X 1= 5.50
1 baby rose

Papergirl 33.00 PAID
1 ply X 6=33
2 blck & cyan
2 poison
2 ashen

Wildforyarn-45.60 PAID
3 ply X 8=45.60
8 padua

Curlytoot (INTERNATIONAL)-49.50 PAID
1 ply X 9-49.50
3 black
6 black & white

Zip-84.30 PAID
1 ply x 4-22.00
2 june
2 chagall night

3 ply x 9-51.30
1 azul bolita
2 wood
2 happy colors
2 chestnut
2 black & cyan

lace X 2-11.00
1 dry wood
1 arantza

Letah-88.40 PAID
1 ply X 14-77.00
2 festival
3 padua
3 anuk
3 dorado & carmesi
3 poison

3 ply x 2-11.40
2 mysterious

Revs-71.50 PAID
1 ply X 13=71.50
3 nuts
3 firebrick
3 pasionaria
4 winterjoy

Jeanius-20.00 paid
4 lace undyed-20

Knittynewbie-66.00 PAID(+$4)
1 ply X 12-66
12 praga

Bajaknitter-48.80 PAID
lace X 2-11.00
1 lace blue
1 kabuki

1 undyed lace-5.00

2 undyed 3 ply-10.40

3 ply X 2-11.40
2 passion

1 ply X 2-11.00
2 firebrick

Lovemeowers-38.90 PAID
3 ply X 2-11.40
1 forest of pines
1 passion

1 ply X5-27.50
1 coral
1 pasionara
2 pacifico
1 festival


Merino 3 ply
2 Skeins Passion $5.70x2=$11.40

New total $48.80

Order for Luvmeowers

Hi, there!

Please add my order to the list.

#6021 - Forest of Pines
#6025 - Passion

#1672 - Coral
#1844 - Pasionaria
# 1667 - Pacifico (2 please)
# 1856 - Festival

Thank you!

My Order 100 merino wool

Merino lace 950
1 Lace Blue $5.50
1 Kabuki Lace $5.50
1 undyed $5.00 =$16. 00

Merino 3 ply
2 undyed $5.20x2=$10.40

Merion 1 ply
2 Fire brick $5.50x2=$11

total order $ 37.40

Please let me know if this is correct

Addition to ruth's order - aka REVS

Could I please add the following:

Merino Worsted (single ply)
4 skeins WINTER JOY SKU: 1628

This will bring my order to 13 skeins total @ $5.50 each = $71.50

Thanks a ton!
Ruth aka REVS

Thursday, August 30, 2007

My order!'s mine :)
(12) PRAGA Merino wool(1 ply)

thanks again Jeanius!!!!

coop update/closing

Only 50 more skeins and then we will have the order full for 100 Pure Wool. If this
happens by tomorrow I will close it.
Leah (coop admin)

Add your orders now so we get them in if you haven't already.

Add on to Robyn's order

1 skein of laceweight - undyed. Thanks!!

jeanius order

4 undyed lace weight


no closing date still :)

no closing date yet. she is keeping it open until she reaches 500 skeins. not sure of the current total. i am going to add our current list to the coop's database. The running total of our order will remain at the top of the blog HTH

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Order for ruth (REVS on KH)

First of all, thanks so much Jeanius for letting us participate in your coop's good fortune of working with this great company! How very generous and thoughtful of you!

Here's my order for now: (can I add more later?) ;)

Merino Worsted - single-ply:
3 skeins NUTS SKU: 3014
3 skeins FIREBRICK SKU: 1647
3 skeins PASIONARIA SKU: 1844

9 skeins total @ $5.50 each = $49.50

Thank you!
-- Ruth (REVS on KH)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

order totals soon

thanks to those of you who totaled your orders for me ;) I am making a list off-blog to help me keep track!
I am going to add some of the orders to the coop database, and let her know to expect more from me :)
Please be patient <3

Sunday, August 26, 2007

zip's order

Worsted weight
2 - June
2 - Chagall Night

Worsted weight 3 ply
1-Azul Bolita
2-Happy Colors
2-Black & Cyan

Lace weight
1-Dry Wood

Thank you!

CurlyToot's order AKA Louisa


could i please order:

x3 black 1ply worsted merino ($16.50)
x6 Black & white varigated 1ply worsted merino (custom colour) ($33.00)

total: 49.50 +shipping

I'm in Australia so please calculate international shipping.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wildforyarn's order:

I PMd this to you at KH, but I have a slight change. Are we able to get any colorway in any yarn? I am looking to get 8 skeins of the 3-ply in Padua. If I am unable to get this colorway in the 3-ply, then I will settle for the 1-ply. Let me know. Thanks!
Hi ladies!

Jeanie and MaryKZ, thanks for doing this!

Id like to order...

2 Black & Cyan merino 1 ply (11.00)

2 Poison merino 1 ply (11.00)

2 Ashen merino 1 ply (11.00)

For a total of $33.00

Thanks so much!

Friday, August 24, 2007

cando's order

Thank you, Jeanie and Marykz!

I would like -

2 skeins of 3-ply merino in Poison
1 skein of merino lace in Baby Rose

Subtotal: 2*5.70 + 1*5.50 = $16.90

Mare Knit's Wish List

Please order the following for me.

Merino Worsted
Chagall Night (2)
Wood (2)

3 Ply
Mysterious (6)

Thank you.

coop payment

great question! their shipping prices are very reasonable. the coop admin will place the order (ours, and the other coop members) and then she breaks it down and sends it out.she does 2 payments:
1st Payment: Just your yarn/product total

2nd Payment: Shipping from company (divided up) + shipping from me to you(she'll mail our group order to me) + coop fee($1)

this is the plan:

  • orders, get totals (i send payment to coop, you send payment to me)
  • B.divide my 2nd payment by our # of ppl
  • C.figure ACTUAL shipping for each order
    add B and C for each person, and you send payment to me, i send yarn to you

New Admin!

Hey everyone!
My family will be traveling to California, leaving very early tomorrow morning. I have made marykz an administrator, so she will be able to send invites. (Thank you marykz for volunteering!) If you need an invite to be an author, please PM marykz through KH. You will need to give her your email address for the invite to be sent to. Please place your order here (see the other entries for how to!) Please read the info given here before asking. And note that marykz IS NOT a member of the coop, just an admin for this blog. Thanks, and happy shopping ;)

Robyn(bird)'s order

Thank you for offering this!! :)

Merino Lace Weight
1 each @ $5.50 = $16.50

Merino Worsted Weight
2 each @ $5.50 = $55.00
WArm Ice

TOTAL: $71.50

Marykz order- admin help offer

hi there-

I'd like 4 of the 3ply merino in the Sea colorway
4 of the 3 ply merino in the chocolate colorway (is it chocolate? the site is down right now)

I'm waffling on the superbulky- anyone tried it before?

Jeanious let me know if you need help- I'm sure I could figure it out if I had to. Marykz

Thursday, August 23, 2007

100purewool info on colors

For people who have never ordered Pure Wool, this is the softest wool you have ever felt, even dyed. We can order dyed and undyed. We can order any colorway in any type of yarn. I have made sure of this as I know with HPY it wasn't the case last time. So, if there is a colorway you like you are able to order it in any type of yarn.

A quick statement about colorways - please realize that Pure Wool, although a great company, can have some differences between what is pictured on the website and what we get. I had several colorways last time that looked very off. This being said just take caution in what you order. Most of their colorways duplicate nicely, but sometimes it just doesn't happen.
from Leah, the coop boss :)


2 skeins each, 1 ply worsted:


$5.50 * 10=$55.00 SUBTOTAL


Hugs and prayers for your grandfather, jeanius...don't stress about our orders!

I would like the following in 1 ply merino:

4 skeins Festival
1 skein Chagall Night


I would offer to be an admin, but I've barely used Blogger, so I'd probably screw up the invites. I'm available in a pinch, though.


update on me

i will be going out of town on emergency (my grandfather is dying) Please continue to update orders! I will take my Laptop, but i am not sure if i will have access. I shouldn't be gone more than a week. If i am, i will find a way to connect and get everything settled. I do need a volunteer to be added as an admin to be able to invite others to join. any one? thanks!


Hi there!

I hope that I do this correctly, lol!

I would like the following in the 3-ply worsted wool:

3 skeins Poison
1 skein Firebrick
1 skein Candy

Let me know if you need any additional information.


Welcome! (and how to order/join)

Hi KH'ers! Please send me an IM (through KH) so you can join here and add your order! I'll need you to send your contact email and i'll then email you an invite to be an author on this blog so you can post your order here. I will add any updates of information once a day, in the evenings.